Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Instead of Going Through the Motions

I had trouble with my blog feed yesterday, a super smart bloggy friend told me to delete my RSS button...and she was right! So, if your blog is not being caught by the feed readers, that may be why.

Also, I'm contemplating setting up a running blog so that the topic doesn't over-run this blog, it will be more of an online journal, of training and stuff I'm learning. Any thoughts? 

Lately I've been feeling a lot like I did when I first became a Christian.

There was a insatiable hunger to learn everything I could about my new Savior. I bombarded those around me who had known Him longer, who knew what they were talking about. Experiencing His forgiveness freed me in a way that made anything seem possible. It's as if I caught a glimpse of just how big He is, and I knew He had big plans.

And then regular, everyday life continues...and years go by, and I find myself continually fighting against apathy. Against putting God in a tiny little box. It's a constant battle. Maybe people reach a point of spiritual maturity where they don't battle this....or maybe it's human nature, and battling it is just part of having faith.

What I do know is this: He is bigger than my apathy, and He will not be put in a box. The second I call out to Him, He shows up...shakes my heart up again reminds me of who He is, what He's done.

And right now, I just can't get enough of Him. Learning new things, understanding old things. Standing back, in awe, as He moves in the lives of people around me. He's always doing it...I just miss seeing it sometimes. Not this time.

This song has been blasting through my iPod for the past few days.

No need to explain why.

I don't want my life to be defined as going through the motions. As a wife, a mom, a friend, a believer...heck, even a runner...just OK is not enough...I want His all consuming passion inside of me.


  1. I think running is a part of who you are and I don't see the need for 2 blogs, but Hey! It's your blog!

    Trisha and I talked today about how RIGHT ON this Bible study has been EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am so thankful for Gods leading and provision in doing this study!
    See you tonight. I'm sure I'll bawl my eyes out as usual!

  2. hey, you and heth could do a running blog together! of course, I don't care if it is separate or not! I will read every word either way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have been feeling the same way lately, ever since things happened with Nancy... renewed, closer, refreshed, hungry.

  4. God is speaking the same things to me too. Love that song!! He has made an official video to that is awesome that journals his own journey. Take a peek at matthewwest.com

  5. good stuff. really, really good.

  6. i would love for you to start a running blog... it might get me motivated to actually start again!

  7. I'm so right there with you on this one...I don't want my life to be just 'going through the motions'.

  8. I came across your blog in sort of a round-about-way, but I'm glad I did. Enjoyed reading several of your posts. I am with you, I want more of Him and less of me. Just ok is not enough. During my Bible reading recently the words from John the Baptist really hit me:

    "He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:30

    Have a great day and God bless you!

  9. LOVE that song! And as usual I love your thoughts and being part of your jounrey of growth in Christ. I have been so convicted lately about not seeking him out as I should. I don't want to settle either. Thanks for sharing this today!!

  10. I know exaclty what you are saying. I heard that song the other day for the first time or at least the first time I really listened to the words. I was convicted and would have been figuratively (I was driving) brought to my knees.

  11. I just found your blog and read this post and I can relate. It's so easy to find myself just going throught the motions sometimes and like you, that's not what I want. I love this song....it speaks volumes! I've never heard it before, so I'm glad I happened upon your blog. I look forward to revisiting it and checking it out further!


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